Product details
The InvisiPac Hot Melt Adhesive Applicators offer you a hassle-free operation with improved uptime. They have an innovative free-flow manifold design and integrated applicator filtering which eliminates nozzle plugs. And with a compact and custom design options, they can easily meet your application needs.
Free Flow Manifold Reaches operating temperature in less than 10 minutesManifold filter is included in a heated zone, eliminating coldspots and ensuring consistent adhesive applicationManifold filter traps debris and char so it?? removed when you replace the filter
Reaches operating temperature in less than 10 minutes
Manifold filter is included in a heated zone, eliminating coldspots and ensuring consistent adhesive application
Manifold filter traps debris and char so it?? removed when you replace the filter
Free-Flow Path Designed to eliminate dead zones where char will build up
Designed to eliminate dead zones where char will build up
Integrated Module Filter Design protects ball and seat from debris and charEliminates nozzle plugging when used with InvisiPac System
Design protects ball and seat from debris and char
Eliminates nozzle plugging when used with InvisiPac System
GS35: Plug free applicator for constant bead applications Features: Air open/spring closeCycle time: 3500 cycles per minuteSingle, dual, quad and custom designs available
Features: Air open/spring close
Cycle time: 3500 cycles per minute
Single, dual, quad and custom designs available